me on bass hero

From Classical Musician to "SoundBirth"

My musical journey began when my parents started taking me to piano lessons when I was 6 years old.  Here I learnt the basics of music, how to read, play the notes, play musically and perform in front of people.

I went to MLC with a music bursary in 1988 and ended up choosing the double bass because they needed a bass guitar player in the big band and I enjoyed playing a bit of blues on the piano.

I continued to learn piano until I was 16 when I decided to just focus on the double bass. 

When I was 15 I learnt that there was such a thing as “music therapy” and knew there and then that I wanted to work with people in some way using music and sound as a therapeutic tool. So I decided to study music at the WA Academy of Performing Arts where I gained a Bachelor of Music (Classical) on the double bass in 1996.

I played in the WA Symphony Orchestra as a casual player for a few years but realised I wanted to do more than just perform.  I wanted to help people with music in some way!

So I left the orchestra and the double bass to work as a music specialist with people with dementia.  Here I learnt a lot about how music affects people and enjoyed the interaction and connections I could make through music.

I started my family when I was 26 and a few years later decided to start teaching piano using the then new Simply Music program.  I still teach this program as I love how people of all ages gain access to playing different styles of music from the very beginning of their piano playing journey.

"I LOVED playing in orchestras but KNEW I wanted to work with music and people in a more therapeutic way. This led to becoming interested in music and sound therapy and eventually to the crystal singing bowls …"

Hero sound journey nicole

The Birth of My Babies and My Biz!

When I was 10 years old I watched my Mum in awe giving birth to my third sister on our lounge room floor. She moaned and groaned and while on her hands and knees gently birthed her fourth baby into the world!

Mum’s midwife let me touch my sister’s head as she crowned and I knew from that moment on that babies can be born easily and naturally at home …

So, naturally I decided to have all of my four babies at home! No complications … just RAW birth!

When I was pregnant with my third baby I discovered the crystal singing bowls at a New Age shop! I decided to purchase a set of seven bowls and spread them around the house not really knowing what I was going to do with them all!

All was revealed while I was labouring in my bedroom and my mum started playing one of the crystal singing bowls that was sitting in the corner of the room.  I started to vocalise with the sound of the bowl and felt SO much relief from the pain during contractions that I insisted the bowl was played every time after that.  I couldn’t believe the difference in pain levels and confidence I had in myself during this labour compared to the previous two births. 

This birth experience left a huge impression and a year later after doing some reading about the benefits of using one's voice, I decided to launch “SoundBirth”. 

Since then I have been teaching expectant couples and birth professionals how to use a crystal singing bowl and their voice during labour and have enjoyed hearing how the bowl has also supported other women to have empowered and positive birth experiences.

A “SoundBirth” is when a woman’s contractions are accompanied by the resonant sound of a crystal singing bowl, giving her “permission” to use her voice in a focused and uninhibited way allowing any pain to subside and her power to rise!

Untitled design (6)

Sharing What I Have Learnt …

While I was creating and running SoundBirth I was also homeschooling my four daughters in a natural, student-centred way!  I therefore have had many years of experience in educating people in this organic way which I apply to all of my workshops, mentoring and training because I believe people learn best when they feel safe; when they are following their interests; and when the teacher follows their pace.

Since 2013 I have been facilitating relaxing sound journeys for groups and individuals.  I am self-taught thanks to my music background and now enjoy teaching others how to facilitate their own sound journeys too!

I mostly work from home teaching people online and in person how to integrate sound into their lives to help reduce anxiety, pain and stress in their lives. 

I am always available to facilitate sound journeys, run workshops or present sound at any health and wellness event.  This is my life path and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my work and hope I can share what I have learnt with YOU!

Nicole xx

soundbirth workshop catalogue