Need Help Choosing a Bowl?


Purchasing a crystal singing bowl (or 7!) can be a daunting exercise for those who don’t know where to start! There are so many pitches and sizes to choose from and usually you have to buy online so you don’t have the opportunity to play them first.

This can be very overwhelming for someone who is new to sound healing or playing an instrument.

Thanks to my music background and 10 years of experience using these beautiful instruments I am now specialise in assisting people with choosing a bowl or a set of bowls that suit their needs, future goals, preferences in pitch/harmonies and budget.

Steps to choosing your bowl the perfect bowl/s for you!

Step 1: Read the guidelines below. These are the questions I ask people to help them choose their bowls.

Step 2: If you are ready after reading the questions go to the shop and make your purchase.

Step 3: If you feel you need more help please fill out the form below and I will help you out!

Questions …

  • Do you intend to use your bowl/s for yourself at home or for others?

    Do you want to facilitate sound healing journeys one day for individuals and/or groups? How many minutes would your sessions be? Longer than 20?

    Are you a yoga teacher and just want to use a bowl at the end of your class?

    Are you a birth doula and want to use it to support your women during childbirth?

    Are you a massage therapist or healer and want to add sound to the work you are already doing with people?

    Any other reasons please let me know!

  • Do you know which pitch you want? If so, please tell my why you’ve chosen that pitch.

    Do you prefer the low, middle or high pitches?

    Are you more interested in the chakra bowls? Please tell me why that is?

    If you want more than one bowl do you want them to harmonise in a major (happy) sound or minor (melancholy) sound? Or do you want to be able have both harmonies?

    Do you want binaural beats? (Creates a “Wah wah wah sound which entrains the brain into a slower brain-wave state)

    Will you be using your voice (toning, humming, Ommming or singing) with your bowl?

    Do you have any other pitched instruments that you want to harmonise with your bowl/s? (flute, didgeridoo, hand pan)

  • The pitch/es you decide on will determine the size of your bowl to a certain degree. But basically the lower the pitch the larger the bowl and the higher the pitch the smaller the bowl.

    Here are some other things to consider.

    Do you intend on transporting your bowls?

    If so, how much room do you have in your car?

    The large bowls are quite heavy … how is your strength, your back?

    What is your budget? The larger bowls are of course more expensive.

  • How much do you want to spend?

    Do you want to buy more bowls to add to this one/these in the future? Let’s work out a plan …

  • Most people just order the classic frosted crystal singing bowls. They are opaque and have a slightly rough surface on the outside.

    There is the option of having a clear crystal singing bowl which is smooth on the outside and doesn’t create any white noise (slightly scraping sound) sound as you move the striker around the outside. These bowls are a lot more expensive. (I’ve always used the frosted bowls and they work beautifully so don’t feel you need to spend more money to relax people! It’s more about how you play the bowl and harmonise them with other sounds.)

    Practitioner Bowl (Bowl on a Handle). These clear crystal bowls on a handle are perfect for those wanting to move around with their bowl. You can walk around a group or individual and move it around in circles to create that binaural beat effect. They have a very clear sound and people love them. There is a bit of a knack to playing them however but it won’t take long to learn!

  • It’s not just about the bowl!

    The quality of sound has A LOT to do with the mallet you choose to play it with …

    There are a few options! And it is a good idea to have a few different mallets up your sleeve to create a contrast in sound.

    Suede mallets

    Easy to get a sound but create a bit of a scratchy sound with the frosted bowls. And harder sound when you strike the bowls. Not my favourite…but I sell them if you want them!

    White rubber ball mallets

    These are the most popular and are perfect for all sizes and types of bowls.

    Large blue rubber mallets (made in Perth)

    My ex makes these mallets especially for those who have bowls from 14 inch - 22 inch. Because the diameter is larger there is less chance of accidentally scraping the bowl when you reach around to play the far side of the bowl.

    Silicone Mallets

    These mallets are pretty awesome because they create less of a scratchy sound when playing the frosted bowls and there is no chance of accidentally scraping the edge as there is no wooden handle! Easy to create a sound too from the very beginning.

  • Most people just choose the white frosted bowls … but if you would like a splash of colour here are some options!

    All 99.99% pure quartz crystal.

    Available in 432 Hz also.

  • Yes all bowls are available in 432 Hz if this is what you are drawn to!

    It has been suggested that the 432Hz frequencies heightens perception, reduces anxiety, blood pressure and unlocks intuition.

 Are you ready to buy your bowl(s)?


Would you like to have a chat so that we can choose the right bowl for you together?


Get Your FREE Quote

Fill out the answers to these questions in the form below and I will email you a few suggestions and a quote!


"I just recently ordered my first crystal singing bowl and was blown away with the process! Nicole was a wealth of knowledge and helped tremendously in my decision making process. On top of that, the speed of delivery to my front door really made it an effortless experience. Highly recommend and will definitely be back to order more!" Walt