SoundBirth course

Add the Power of Sound to Your Birth!

Be Supported by Tools that will Transform Your Birth and Parenting Experiences!

Allow the Power of Sound and Music Support you Before, During and After the Birth!

Feel confident about using these simple, natural and supportive tools no matter what your musical background is or where you decide to give birth!

  • Are you wanting a "natural birth" and looking for tools that will aid with relieving pain naturally and effectively?

  • Do you want your partner or other support person to have a supportive role to play in the birth process?

  • Do you want to start creating a bond with your baby even before the birth?

Transform Your Birth Experience!


โ€œI never thought, "I can't do this" or "I need drugs" or "take me to the hospital" because the bowl kept me present and grounded. I felt safe and calm during the contractions. I truly believe without the crystal singing bowl my labour would have been unbearable. I am generally an over thinker but as I said the bowl and toning gave me a singular present focus. I also love the sound the crystal singing bowl makes.โ€

โ€“Toni Cronk


"I turned my yelling into deep, open toning sounds when my Mum was playing the SoundBirth bowl in the hospital room.  I felt a bit embarrassed but once I realised how the sounds and bowl was masking the pain for me, I felt empowered to use my voice no matter what the others in the room thought about it. 

โ€“Cailee Mansfield

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What is SoundBirth?

SoundBirth originated during my third home birth in 2009 when my Mum instinctively began playing one of my crystal singing bowls that was in the corner of my bedroom.

The timing was perfect as my contractions were intensifying, and I was feeling the urge to vocalise due to the intensity, but I was embarrassed to make any noises in front of everyone (midwife, husband, friend, Mum...). I had experienced self-consciousness and inhibition during my previous two home births as well.

However, as soon as the sound of the bowl filled the room, I found myself vocalising more, which brought significant relief. The room and everyone in it faded away, leaving only the harmonious sounds I was creating with the bowl.

As the contraction eased, so did the sound of the bowl.

I was astonished by the dramatic reduction in my anxiety and pain levels!

From that point forward, I directed my doula to play the bowl during every contraction for the next five hours... and during my fourth labor, my birth team alternated playing the bowl, this time for around 30 hours!

The sound of that resonant bowl provided the support and strength I needed to deliver my babies.

From that moment, I was determined to share this tool with expectant couples and birth professionals worldwide, to give them the chance to experience a โ€œSoundBirthโ€ as well.

Since then, SoundBirth tools have been utilised by doulas, midwives, and partners in home births and hospitals across Perth, WA, and globally, offering comfort and support to women during labor.

Listen to me discuss SoundBirth below!

free course list

5 Benefits of Having a SoundBirth

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Women often feel safer, more confident, and more at ease when using their voices accompanied by the resonant tones of a crystal singing bowl.


When a bowl is played in time with a womanโ€™s contractions she feels heard and connected no matter where she ends up giving birth.  Plus, it gives the partner a supportive role to play in the birth process!

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Sara Bresser Photography

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Uninhibited vocalisation relaxes and opens the larynx which in turn relaxes and opens the cervix. When the cervix is relaxed it can prevent tearing and assist with dilation. 


The resonant, pure sound of a crystal singing bowl gives a birthing woman something to focus on rather than pain, or unhelpful thoughts.

Distraction from pain

Cathy Britton Photography

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When a woman uses her voice without inhibition, she experiences the physical benefits such as lowered blood pressure, less pain, increase in oxygen, release of oxytocin, endorphins, melatonin, serotonin and activation of the parasympathetic nervous system.

IS Soundbirth for US?

The SoundBirth Courses Will Teach You and Your Partner How to: 

toning with bowl couple

Use Your SoundBirth Bowl to Feel Supported During Labour

Give your partner a supportive role to play during during each contraction allowing you to use your voice with confidence, reducing perceived pain and creating a connected experience for both of you.

toning pregnant woman

Use Your Voice to Help You Feel Calm, Safe and Connected

Learn about why it is SO important to overcome any fears around using your voice so you can experience the benefits of using it during each contraction calmly and with confidence, no matter what others may think!

singing to baby

Sing to Build a Bond with Your Baby Even Before the Birth

Create a"Heart Song" and start singing it to your baby even before the birth to start building a strong bond that will last a life-time! You will also gain tips on how to use music and sound after the birth to connect, soothe and support each other. 

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Cathy Britton Photography

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โ€œIt was so helpful, having the bowls there. I truly believe they helped me in opening up and relaxing like Iโ€™ve never relaxed before.โ€

Sandra Golaszewski.

Midwife, Mother of 4

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โ€œI was able to โ€œget in the zoneโ€ to focus and visualise full dilation, in spite of the pressure and hospital sounds that were going on around me. We did successfully dilate, and I had the vaginal birth I was hoping for.โ€



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โ€œIf a contraction had a sound, it would be the sound of the crystal singing bowl.โ€



SoundBirth Packages

Choose the package that best fits your needs!



  • Access to all SoundBirth Courses
  • Facebook Group
  • Membership Site for 12 Months

Basic and Bowl


  • Access to All SoundBirth Courses
  • SoundBirth Bowl
  • Facebook Group 
  • Membership Site for 12 months



  • Access to All SoundBirth Courses 
  • SoundBirth Bowl
  • Facebook Group 
  • Membership Site for 12 months
  • 3 x 1:1 Support Calls with Nicole

Payment Plans Available

SoundBirth Courses

Sing Your Baby to You Catalogue

SoundBirth for Expectant Couples Course

Discover all you need to know about utilising your voice while being supported by the resonant sound of your SoundBirth Bowl. Understand the science of sound, how to address challenges related to using your voice, and how to use your bowl effectively and safely.

Create a Heart Song Course

Learn how to create a simple song that comes straight from your heart so you can start singing it to your unborn child even before the birth to foster a bond that will last a lifetime!

heart song background
soundplay catalogue

SoundPlay Course

Discover ways to incorporate simple musical activities into your routine once your baby arrives to foster bonding and maintain a sense of calm and connection as you transition into parenthood.

The Magic of Sound Course

Learn how to use your SoundBirth Bowl as a powerful healing and manifesting tool for the rest of your life! You will also discover how to add sound to ceremonies and how to use your voice to activate your chakras.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to use a crystal singing bowl?

To have a "true" SoundBirth experience YES, it is better to have the SoundBirth bowl there to support you.   You will feel more uninhibited using your voice, more in "the zone", your partner will have a role to play, it will create sacred space no matter where you birth and more! If you don't have one yet you can purchase it from HERE or find a trained "SoundBirth Doula" who already owns one. Hiring a bowl could also be an option depending on where you live.

What is so great about the "SoundBirth Bowl"?

Through my experience in sound work, I've discovered the perfect pitch for the SoundBirth Bowl that's easy for anyone to vocalise - not too high or low. The bowl's size is ideal as well; it's neither too small nor too cumbersome. It's just right! That's why I've stopped offering options. Trust me on this one! You'll understand the reasons during the course, and I'm confident you and your partner will love it once you experience it firsthand.

How long will it take for my bowl to arrive?

Your bowl will be drop-shipped within 2-3 weeks to your home. Please let me know when it arrives! If you live in Perth and would prefer to hire a bowl you will be able to pick it up 3 weeks before your due date.

Will hospitals let me bring a bowl to birth?

As far as I'm aware, the choice of what to bring into the birthing room lies with the expectant mother. If she wishes to include a crystal singing bowl, then that is her prerogative! To date, there have been no reports of doulas, midwives, or couples being prohibited from bringing their bowl into the room. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Placing a sign on the door that lists the benefits could be a great way to inform those unfamiliar with SoundBirth.

What can I do with the bowl after the birth?

The bowl can be used to soothe both you and your baby following the birth. Additionally, I will provide suggestions on how to use it for manifestation and healing purposes in "The Magic of Sound" course.

When is the best time during pregnancy to have our 1:1 session?

If you selected the "Ultimate Support" package you can have three 1:1 sessions with me. These sessions are available for use at any point during your pregnancy or after childbirth. I suggest learning about the SoundBirth tools in your second trimester, which will provide plenty of time to practice toning with your crystal singing bowl. Additionally, it serves as an excellent relaxation tool, so the earlier you begin, the better.

I'm not musical. I can't sing. Nor can my partner. Can we still have a SoundBirth?

Remember, everyone is musical! From birth, you've been using your voice to make sounds, haven't you? And playing a crystal singing bowl is something anyone can do! So, absolutely, you can too! In the online course and our private session, I'll provide you with some tips to ensure that you feel confident in using your voice and playing your bowl during labor.

What if my partner doesn't want to play the bowl?

I've observed that partners often become eager to play the singing bowl after they've experienced it themselves. Once they grasp how the bowl's sound supports your vocalisation, which in turn aids the birthing process, they're usually more willing to participate. However, if he's hesitant, or if you prefer his physical support, consider assigning the role of bowl player to another supporter or hiring a "SoundBirth Doula". The resonating sound could be an essential comfort during contractions, as it has been for many women.

Can you attend our birth and play the bowl for us?

I'd love to and it would be a great honour ... BUT because of my busy life I just can't commit to attending births at the moment!

But I DO offer support before and after the birth if you choose the Ultimate Support package OR FIND A TRAINED SOUNDBIRTH DOULA!

Add the power of sound to YOUR birth!

Are you ready to take yourself and your birth plan to a new level?

There is no time to play small when giving birth!  Instead, it will require you to be the biggest, strongest most powerful version of yourself!

Your voice is a reflection of your power!

It's time to not only birth your baby, but to also birth YOURSELF! 

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"10 Reasons to Bring a Bowl to Birth"

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