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Add the Power of Sound to Your Birth Work in 2025!

Share a tool with your expectant couples that will support them throughout their birthing and parenting journeys!

Start Sharing a Natural and Supportive Tool that will Transform the Birthing Experience!

Feel confident about using and sharing the SoundBirth tools with expectant couples before, during and after the birth, no matter what your musical background is!

Perfect for Birth and Postpartum Doulas, Midwives, Childbirth Educators, Pregnancy Yoga and Pilates Teachers, Hypnobirth Practitioners AND Sound/Music Therapists.

Next Online Training Starts: Thursday 30th January 2025

Book before Xmas to get Early Bird Price!

What is SoundBirth?

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SoundBirth originated during my third home birth in 2009 when my Mum instinctively began playing one of my crystal singing bowls that was in the corner of my bedroom.

The timing was perfect as my contractions were intensifying, and I was feeling the urge to vocalise due to the intensity, but I was embarrassed to make any noises in front of everyone (midwife, husband, friend, Mum...). I had experienced self-consciousness and inhibition during my previous two home births as well.

However, as soon as the sound of the bowl filled the room, I found myself vocalising more, which brought significant relief. The room and everyone in it faded away, leaving only the harmonious sounds I was creating with the bowl.

As the contraction eased, so did the sound of the bowl.

I was astonished by the dramatic reduction in my anxiety and pain levels!

From that point forward, I directed my doula to play the bowl during every contraction for the next five hours... and during my fourth labor, my birth team alternated playing the bowl, this time for around 30 hours!

The sound of that remarkable bowl provided the support and strength I needed to deliver my babies.

From that moment, I was determined to share this tool with expectant couples and birth professionals worldwide, to give them the chance to experience a “SoundBirth” as well.

Since then, SoundBirth tools have been utilised by doulas, midwives, and partners in home births and hospitals across Perth, WA, and globally, offering comfort and support to women during labor.

Listen to me discuss SoundBirth below!


“I never thought, "I can't do this" or "I need drugs" or "take me to the hospital" because the bowl kept me present and grounded. I felt safe and calm during the contractions. I truly believe without the crystal singing bowl my labour would have been unbearable. I am generally an over thinker but as I said the bowl and toning gave me a singular present focus. I also love the sound the crystal singing bowl makes.”

–Toni Cronk


"I turned my yelling into deep, open toning sounds when my Mum was playing the SoundBirth bowl in the hospital room.  I felt a bit embarrassed but once I realised how the sounds and bowl was masking the pain for me, I felt empowered to use my voice no matter what the others in the room thought about it. 

–Cailee Mansfield

5 Benefits of Having a SoundBirth

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Women often feel safer, more confident, and more at ease when using their voices accompanied by the resonant tones of a crystal singing bowl.


When a bowl is played in time with a woman’s contractions she feels heard and connected no matter where she ends up giving birth.  Plus, it gives the partner a supportive role to play in the birth process!


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Uninhibited vocalisation relaxes and opens the larynx which in turn relaxes and opens the cervix. When the cervix is relaxed it can prevent tearing and assists with dilation. 


The resonant, pure sound of a crystal singing bowl gives a birthing woman something to focus on rather than pain, or unhelpful thoughts.


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When a woman uses her voice without inhibition, she experiences the physical benefits such as lower blood pressure, less pain, increase in oxygen, release of oxytocin, endorphins, melatonin, serotonin and activation of the parasympathetic nervous system.


What's Incuded?

Online Course

online courses

Each month you will receive a module via the membership site. Modules include downloadable PDFs, video presentations, audios, homework and resources.

SoundBirth Bowl


Receive your SoundBirth Bowl (14-inch quartz crystal singing bowl) on your door-step within 2 - 3 weeks of purchase. Your bowl includes a soft carry case, mallet and o-ring.


Community (1)

Stay motivated and feel supported by myself and the SoundBirth community in the Membership site and private Facebook group for 12 months.

Zoom Calls


Each month you will be invited to a group Zoom training call where we will discuss the new module, answer any questions and discuss the homework. Recordings will be available if you can't make the call.



Gain access to resources such as downloadable workbooks, audios, links and extra videos that you can use with your couples and families to educate and support them before, during and after the birth.

Directory Listing

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After completing the training and being approved by me after a 1:1 Zoom call, you will be listed on the SoundBirth Directory and become a SoundBirth affiliate so we can share the SoundBirth message together!


intro and workshop

Module 1: Introduction

Let's introduce ourselves! I'll also let you know how to go about the course and answer any questions!


Module 2: The Science of Sound

Learn about the science of sound and start becoming more aware of how sound and music affects you.

voice shame

Module 3: Vocal Awareness

Notice any voice issues you and your couples have that may inhibit vocal expression during labour and overcome them!

use your voice

Module 4: Use Your Voice

Gain tips on how to encourage your women to use their voice in an open and uninhibited way!


Module 5: Your SoundBirth Bowl

Learn all about your SoundBirth Bowl and how to play and use it safely to support your women during labour.

Ruby baby in birth pool

Module 6: The Birth Environment

Become aware of the sounds that may distract women in different birth spaces and what you can do about it!

Heart song

Module 7: Create a Heart Song

Learn how to encourage expectant couples how to create and use a "Heart Song" to build a special bond with their baby.

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Module 8: SoundPlay

Learn how to support new families using simple sound tools and musical activities to soothe, connect and energise!


Module 9: Sound Ceremonies

Make any ceremony even more special by learning how to add the magic of sound and intention!

learn from me (1)

Module 10: Sound Facilitating

Learn how to create a relaxing 20-minute sound journey to relax your expectant couples and new parents.

soundbirth workshop

Module 11: Workshops

Learn how to share the SoundBirth tools for groups of Expectant Couples in a workshop or weekly class format.

biz tips

Module 12: Business Tips

Gain some tips on how to integrate the SoundBirth tools into your business and start making more money!


$3000 ($2750 Early Bird Price)

  • SoundBirth Bowl, case, delivery (within Australia).
  • Lifetime access to 12 online modules, each released monthly.
  • FREE Membership Site and Forum for 12 Months.
  • Private Facebook Group Support.
  • 12 x monthly Zoom Calls.
  • Audiobook "Healing at the Speed of Sound" 
  • Client Resources: Workbooks and resources you can download and use with your clients.
  • Lessons: Downloadable and available as text, audio and video to suit your learning needs.
  • 1 x 1:1 Zoom Call at the beginning and completion of training.

Payment Plans Available

IICT approved
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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to own a SoundBirth Bowl?

To offer a "true" SoundBirth experience YES you do! Plus, if someone is seeking a trained SoundBirth Doula, I would like them to know that you will definitely own the SoundBirth Bowl. This is why I have included the bowl in the package. If you already own a SoundBirth Bowl please let me know and I'll adjust the cost.

What do I need to complete in order to start offering SoundBirth?

In order to call yourself a Trained SoundBirth Doula or Educator you need to complete the Homework and be approved by me after a 1:1 Zoom call within a 12-month period. Then you can also apply for insurance with IICT and I will list you on the SoundBirth Directory.

Do I have to be a trained birth worker? 

If you want to attend births professionally, you will need to do some kind of birth or doula training as this course does not include such details.  BUT if you just want to educate and prepare expectant couples 1:1 or in a workshop/group setting so they can then go ahead and have a SoundBirth, you can! This is ideal if you are a sound healer or ex birth worker or postpartum doula and want to add "SoundBirth" to your work!  

Are you ready?

Let’s Create a Community of People Who Bring Sound to Birth and New Families!

If you are a birth worker and lover of sound and music … expectant couples are waiting for you!  Their babies are too!  

All women deserve to feel powerful, strong, connected, nurtured, empowered, relaxed, energised and fully ALIVE during this massive transformation called BIRTH.  

Fathers/other support people also deserve to feel confident about supporting a birthing person during labour and SoundBirth is a tool that helps anyone feel connected with the birth process.

All babies coming into the world deserve to enter GENTLY while feeling safe and nurtured.

And YOU deserve to have more offerings up your sleeve to become more financially abundant!

Be one of the FIRST in the world to be using and teaching the SoundBirth tools!

I look forward to sharing SoundBirth with you!

Nicole xx

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About Nicole

I have a life-long passion for using music and sound as a tool to support people throughout their life journey. This along with my Classical Music background B(Mus) led me to creating SoundBirth in 2011 after the birth of my third daughter where I noticed that using my voice while being accompanied by a crystal singing bowl eased the pain, helped me stay calm and focused and allowed me to experience a powerful and natural birth.

I believe that ANYONE can learn how to share sound and musical tools with others, even with no musical background! Nothing gives me more joy than seeing people tap into their innate musicality and then sharing these tools with others!

Now it’s YOUR turn to start sharing this beautiful and effective tool with the world!


Mobile: 0419 285 500


SoundBirth · 2024

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