5 Sound Tools to Get Your Started!
If you feel drawn to facilitating sound journeys but have no idea where to start, here is the first step … CHOOSE YOUR INSTRUMENTS! Yes there are lots to choose from and they are expensive but you don’t need full sets of chakra bowls, large gongs and everything else in order to start learning, practicing and one day offering your sessions to others. Your job as a sound journey facilitator is to RELAX people … not to play ALL of the sound tools you can get your hands on. Remember … less is more!
Here are the 5 instruments I recommend to my 1:1 students!
Crystal Singing Bowls - I recommend you start with 3 bowls. 2 of them frosted and 1 a practitioner bowl to create variety of sound. As long as these 3 bowls harmonise well together you will have your BASE of sound for most of the session. I can help choose these bowl depending on space, preference in harmonies, other pitched instruments you may already have and budget. Cost will depend on size… but put aside about $1400 for these. You can view the prices and sizes HERE.
Feng gong - These gongs are more affordable than those big gongs (which start at about $2000) but will still give people the “gong experience”. I like them because you can walk around the room with them, create the “wah wah” effect, and sweep the sound over the top of each person in the room to energise them at the beginning of a session and then ground them at the end. Cost is around $300.
Ocean Drum - I choose the ocean drum over a rain stick because I have more control over the sounds. Plus I can create rain, ocean, river and storm sounds! It takes a bit of practice to create a gentle smooth sound but once you get to know this instrument it is very grounding and deeply soothing for most people. I have a 16 inch Remo ocean drum. You can purchase these from any music shop or online.
Buffalo Drum - The sound of a drum grounds people, entrains their heart beat and is extremely soothing (when played steadily…) as it reminds us of when we were in the womb hearing the constant beat of our Mother’s heart. I once again recommend the Remo brand as the skin is synthetic so will never make a “dead” sound if the weather changes temperature! You can’t afford to have an unreliable drum when running sound journeys! Plus the sound is SO resonant and boomy that you can feel it throughout your body from head to toe. I have a 22 inch drum. You can purchase these from any music shop or online for around $300.
Koshi Chimes - These beauties make any sound journey magical. I routinely finish my sessions by walking around the room and tinkling them next to each person’s ears like Tinkerbell would. There are 4 different tunings - Air, Earth, Fire and Water which you can listen to here. I recommend you purchase at least 2 so you can tinkle one in both ears as you walk around the room.
With these instruments you could easily run a 20 min sound journey transitioning from one sound to another, combining sounds, creating and repeating melodic and rhythmical motifs as you send your participants into a state of angelic bliss!
If you want to gain more tips and practice to build your sound facilitating confidence send me an email to book a free chat and we can go from there!