It’s not just about the bowl!

The quality of sound has A LOT to do with the mallet you choose to play it with …

There are a few options! And it is a good idea to have a few different mallets up your sleeve to create a contrast in sound.

Suede mallets

Easy to get a sound but create a bit of a scratchy sound with the frosted bowls. And harder sound when you strike the bowls. Not my favourite…but I sell them if you want them!

White rubber ball mallets

These are the most popular and are perfect for all sizes and types of bowls. This mallet is included with any bowl you purchase. 

Large blue rubber mallets (made in Perth)

My ex makes these mallets especially for those who have bowls from 14 inch - 22 inch. Because the diameter is larger there is less chance of accidentally scraping the bowl when you reach around to play the far side of the bowl.

Silicone Mallets

These mallets are pretty awesome because they create less of a scratchy sound when playing the frosted bowls and there is no chance of accidentally scraping the edge as there is no wooden handle! Easy to create a sound too from the very beginning. 

Soft Mallets

You also need a soft mallet that makes a lovely sound when you tap/chime it on the bowl.  All of the other strikers make quite a harsh sound in comparison. The best mallets are made by Paul Ford in Perth so contact Gongwalkabout to order one!

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