Sasha’s Birth Story
Baby Malakai's birth started at 8 am yesterday (43wks) with the breaking of my waters, after which I progressed in labour naturally for the next 6 hrs. I have never felt so completely relaxed. I had meditation music playing, essential oils and the crystal singing bowl being played by my Mum, and I used my “Omms” (toning) to get me through each contraction.
After 6 hours, an internal exam revealed why baby had had me in pre-labour for the past three days and even after waters being broken, I wasn't dilating .... his face wasn't presenting first!
Naturally, I broke into tears, but deep down, I knew there would be a point where I would have to completely let go of the birth I imagined and surrender to what was.
The last resort was syntocin to increase contractions and get the baby's chin to the chest before we considered a C-section. After 4 hours of syntocin, the contractions were building, and I was still the most zenned-out I have ever been ... just rolling along with the labour.
Another internal revealed baby wasn't going to move.... Being so heavily pregnant and more exhausted each day, I knew the best option for baby, and I was to make the process as swift as possible ... so c-section it was.
Even though it was the complete opposite to the birth I imagined I am so thankful and don't regret a second of the process that bought me my 10-pound baby boy!"