SoundBirth from a Midwife’s Perspective
"I had the privilege recently to be involved with a labouring woman called Sasha in a hospital setting.
Sasha had a great attitude, a wonderful support crew, and a large, beautiful, crystal singing bowl. As Sasha's labour got going, the support crew took turns on the crystal singing bowl to easily generate a lovely, deep, rising vibration in the room that was very relaxing and hypnotic.
It was clear to me that this was very helpful for Sasha in getting through each contraction. As the contractions became stronger, Sasha seemed to become calmer. She could easily take herself to a peaceful place with mindful breathing and meditation.
The beautiful low tone of the mesmerising singing bowl helped keep Sasha in what I like to call the 'labour zone'. The atmosphere in the room was one of peace and harmony, and there was an easy flow of laughter and joy. Everyone took turns playing the crystal singing bowl, and Sasha made us laugh as she protested if there was a break in the sound.
The big standout thing for me on a personal level is that when I went home after a 9-hour shift, I felt totally energised, which is unusual. I felt so uplifted and alive, and I was still wide awake and buzzing at my usual bedtime! I realised it must have been the vibrations from the crystal singing bowl in the birthing room.
It would be worth investigating what the crystal singing bowl could do for you, not only in labour but also for pregnancy relaxation and vitality. I think that perhaps it is also great for life in general."
Susan Krachler Registered Midwife