You ARE Musical Enough to Facilitate Sound Journeys!

If you want to facilitate sound journeys but feel like you’re not musical enough, this blog is for YOU!

Just because I am a trained musician does not mean that I am more "qualified" to run these sessions than you! It just means that I spent hours and hours learning how to read and interpret music that composers wrote hundreds of years ago and play it relatively well on the piano and double bass. I did this to pass exams, perform well with others in orchestras, and gain a degree in music. 

Reality Check

Playing a crystal singing bowl doesn't take years to master. It has ONE pitch. There is no need to read music to play one or seven bowls. You are not performing for exams or concerts!  You are playing to relax people in the room. You don't have to "get it right". You won't be "booed" off stage if you play a "wrong" note. You're not being graded. The audience won't even be looking at you. The participants will most likely be half asleep!

About Nicole Lloyd

From bass to bowls!

I find it SO interesting that people freak out even about playing a simple instrument such as a crystal singing bowl or making a simple sound using their voice. It's incredible how much shame we hold about producing a sound. I understand it, though. When people think of "music," they think of pressure, mistakes, and getting it "right." The fear is close to the same level as public speaking, I feel. 

So, if you feel drawn to facilitating sound journeys but stories run through your mind that stop you in your tracks, PAY ATTENTION. Do not buy into the stories anymore. Let me hold your hand and show you that you can share beautiful sound experiences with groups of people! Playing a bowl is NOT rocket science!  It does NOT require extensive musical knowledge. And you CAN overcome "performance" anxiety just by STARTING!

sound journey mentoring

Sound of my sound students!

Get out of the way and create space for your inner sound journey facilitator to SHINE!

Let's soothe the planet with beautiful sounds! 

Learn more about how I can support you by contacting me for a free chat! 

If you live in Perth, you may be interested in 1:1 mentoring or attending the next Sound Integration Workshop!

Hope to see you soon!

Nicole x


How it Feels to Be Heard During Labour


“Shame Management Tool”