“Shame Management Tool”
Learn how to manage toxic shame when vocalising during childbirth using a crystal singing bowl.

Creating Connection
Creating connection can be simple when you use music and sound tools in a way that allows people to express themselves freely and be heard. I did this recently when visiting my client in hospital who has dementia.

5 Sound Tools to Get Your Started!
Here are 5 instruments I suggest you start with if you are wanting to start facilitating sound journeys.

How I Felt About My Voice During 4 Labours - a Summary
Here is a summary on how I felt about my voice during my four labours. As you will see, I eventually found a way to give myself permission to open up and really let go using my voice and a crystal singing bowl. But I didn’t start out that way …

Entrain Your Brain into Alpha
Discover how sound waves entrain the brain waves into a more relaxed state of consciousness so that even the most stressed out person can relax quickly and easily.

How to Play a Bowl at Birth
How to play a crystal singing bowl to support a woman during labour. Be present, feel gratitude, be aware of the volume and more.

SHUT UP!!! More "Enlightened" Ways to Deal with NOISE!
Learn how to use music and sound to deal with those annoying noises that occur in every family home.

Is SoundBirth for Me?
Find out how SoundBirth supports expectant couples during childbirth and see if it is for you!

Preparing Loved Ones for Your Birth Sounds!
How to prepare you kids and partner and any other birth support person for the beautiful open sounds you will create to birth your baby.

SoundBirth Helps Mum Meditate During Labour
Hear about how SoundBirth helped a Mum meditate during labour.