
Sound Journeys

You ARE Musical Enough to Facilitate Sound Journeys!

sound training FB
Learning how to play sound healing tools isn't as difficult as you may think! Overcome anxiety about performing and playing music is easy after gaining a few tips from classical musician Nicole Lloyd, creator of SoundBirth.

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5 Sound Tools to Get You Started

Blog on choosing instruments

If you're feeling the pull to facilitate sound journeys but don't know where to begin, the first step is simple: CHOOSE YOUR INSTRUMENTS! Sure, there's a vast array to choose from and they can be pricey, but don't worry about having complete sets of chakra bowls or massive gongs to start. Your goal as a sound journey facilitator is to help people unwind, not to showcase every sound tool available. Keep in mind, less is often more!

Here are the 5 instruments I suggest to my one-on-one students!

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