The Elements and Melodies

Updated Sep 12, 2024

If you have already chosen your chime, which one did you choose and why did you choose it?

Did you choose it because of the element or the melody it created?

Which ever chime you chose it will be perfect for you!  I love ALL of them and actually have no preference. They are all beautiful and all soothe people which is why I use them.  

But everyone is different and over the years of offering these chimes to people I have noticed that everyone is drawn to a chime for different reasons whether it was the element they resonated with most, or the melody.

The Elements:

Ignis (Fire): Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

  • Passionate
  • Bright
  • Charismatic
  • Focused
  • Decisive
  • Daring

Terra (Earth): Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

  • Stable and consistent
  • Hard-working
  • Loyal
  • Nurturing
  • Logical
  • Empathetic

Aria (Air): Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

  • Thoughtful
  • Witty
  • Charming
  • Care-free
  • Independent and
  • Flexible

Aqua (Water): Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

  • Understanding
  • Trusting
  • Devoted
  • Forgiving
  • Flexible

The Melodies:

EARTH (Terra)


FIRE (Ignis)

WATER (Aqua)

AIR (Aria)

Please Note:

Terra and Ignis are in a Major key which has a more uplifting sound.

Aqua and Aria are in a minor key which creates a more melancholy sound.

Order your favourite chime HERE!

Can't Remember Which Chime You Bought?

By the way ... if you ever forget which chime you purchased you will notice that the word "Koshi" is written on the side of your chime and that the "o" is coloured in either yellow, red, green or blue. If you're still unsure (especially with the green and blue chimes) you can go back to my website to listen to the chimes and see which melody matches yours.  If that's too difficult contact me and I'll do it for you!

Want Two Chimes?

If you want two chimes, one for each ear, then I recommend the Aria and Ignis together as I think they sound the best harmonically.  But once again UP TO YOU! 

Want ALL Four Chimes?

I don't blame you!  I LOVE them all too!

Due to popular demand I had my ex husband Steve start making Koshi chime stands for those who wanted all 4 chimes and wanted to display them and be able to visually see which chime is what straight away.

Tip: Stick a corresponding coloured spot sticker on top of the stand above each chime (see pics below) to indicate each element.

You can order your stand HERE

See you in the next lesson!

Nicole xx

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