How to Use Your Chimes

Updated Sep 12, 2024

Here are some of the ways I have used my chimes and ways I have heard other people using theirs over the years...

Hang Them!

People often ask where to hang their chimes. So far I have hung mine in some of the doorways in my house using one of those hooks that have a sticker on the back (you can buy from supermarket). Whenever I go through the doorway I dingle the chimes sprinkling myself with their magic. My last baby used to LOVE this of course ... every time we went under the doorway she looked up and pointed and insisted I play them! She always smiled and wanted to play them herself. I let her touch them gently but was careful she didn't grab them and pull them down!

If you do have a baby, hanging a chime above her in the car works really well to help soothe them, distract them and to give them something beautiful to listen to while you are driving. I know that my babies never liked the car very much and these chimes worked a treat for my last baby! (Make sure the chimes are tied securely so that they won't fall on the baby!!!).  Another place to hang them if you have a baby is on their pram! It could become "the familiar sound" that triggers sleep time which you can then use as a tool when they need a nap or YOU need them to nap!

Most people hang them inside next to a window where a breeze gently blows through. Someone told me that this helps them to fall asleep at night if they've hung theirs in their bedroom.  And others have felt "blessed" by an angel every time it tinkles in their kitchen or living area.  Anywhere undercover outside is perfect too ... on a verandah, patio area. If you can hear them tinkling and they're not getting wet it is a perfect place for them. If you do want to hang them outside in the weather make sure you varnish them to protect the wood from rotting away.

REMEMBER that these chimes are not "normal" chimes... They are more like musical instruments!  So hanging them is great ... but PLAYING them with intention is the main reason why they were created. Here are some ways you can play them for others and for yourself!

Chimes and Children

If you have young children a lovely ritual to do with them before going to sleep at night time is ask them "What are you grateful for today?". Or, "What was the best part of your day?". Or, "What would you like to do in your life one day?". Then they say what they loved or share one of their dreams and you play the Koshi chimes around their little bodies. My kids think the chimes sound like fairies making their wishes come true or just listening to what they had to say. This ritual really is a very nurturing way to end the day ... and you will find that your children will ask you to do this every night because kids KNOW what is good for them!!

Chimes and Relaxation 

If you give massages or facilitate relaxation or meditation sessions, a beautiful way to end the session is by playing these chimes close to people's ears.  Once again ... the sound is nurturing and relaxing and seems to be the perfect way to end any "session". You could also invite your client/s to think about what they want to bring into their lives at the moment while you play the chimes. Sound amplifies your thoughts so thinking about what you WANT is important when listening to quality sounds such as these chimes ... they are powerful manifesting tools!

Chimes and Childbirth

If you are a midwife or doula supporting a woman during labour you could see if she enjoys hearing the chimes in between contractions ... during the quiet, relaxing time. You could also introduce them when you visit the new Mum and her baby during post-natal visits to help her to relax and bond with her baby.

Chimes and Pain Relief

My three year old fractured her leg recently so I soothed her every night with the chimes. She asks for them every night now and says she LOVES them and even gives them a cuddle! So if you know someone in pain (physical or emotional) then you can gift them with the soothing sound of a Koshi chime!

Chimes and Ceremonies

If you have bought the set of 4 chimes you could use them for opening and closing circles in a ceremony.  Here's an article that will tell you which elements goes with which direction - North, South, East and West. 

Please comment below on the ways that you have used your chimes!

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